Tuesday 16 September 2014

Planning - Final Design Idea

Final Design Idea

Mast head: Strive

This font isn’t extremely informal or formal. It is a bold masthead making it recognisable.
The world ‘Strive’ is a synonym for words such as ‘determination’ and ‘achieve’. I feel that a positive mast head speaks for the whole tone of the magazine and is a word that should be echoed throughout Sixth Form. It will be in capitals to make it to stand out and also make it seem more official.
The typography is from Dafont.

Headline: “How to cheat at revising and get away with it”
I feel that this headline is light-hearted and witty. It covers an area that my target audience has asked to be covered and that is why I have chosen it to be the headline and not just a cover line.

Cover lines:
  • ASOS guide to style
  • What One Direction could learn from A-Levels
  • Is fear really a strong motivator?
  • “Work to become, not to acquire.”
I’ve chosen to use these four cover lines to include on the magazine as they touch upon areas that my target audience has asked to read about (readership profile). This is why I’ve tried to make the cover lines comical to entice the target audience to read the magazine. The cover lines are also quite vague which should persuade the target audience to read because it is mixed with comedy, as some of the students that I asked in my readership profile mentioned that they wouldn’t want all of the focus to be on education. With these cover lines I don’t feel that the whole focus of the magazine is on revising and exams, as I’ve tried to include some light hearted humour.

Secondary Image: I want to take a photo that is obviously taken away from school. Instead of taking a photo like suggested in previous planning, I have decided to go for more of a relaxed photo, away from school, possibly of a student and their dog. Both at low levels to represent ‘down time’, and being outside. This would follow the cover line: “PLUS tips on how to relax”. Which complements the idea of the secondary photo. I want the student and dog to be looking at each other to show the need to relax, hopefully the target audience will find the dog ‘cute’ which will create a topic to speculate about and then others will look and read the magazine.

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